
organizing ignorance for discovery

MM's praxis of 'organizing ignorance for discovery'

> Its nature and applications: [handwritten] is bliss
> Ig, is ground for knowledge as figure.
> without it there would be no knowledge
> Figure and ground shape each other, therefore Ig. shapes
> knowledge Just as much as knowledge shapes ignorance.
> As ground, Ig. is both greater than and also prior
> to knowledge
> Each tiny new bit of knowledge reveals massive new
> areas of ignorance.
> Ignorance is discontinuous ---gaps in knowledge
> is irrational lull in logic
> is sudden, not gradual; has no degrees or size
> is ambiguous, concrete (not "clear arid distinct...")
> is not quantifiable or measurable
> is as tangible and real as knowledge
> is "knowable" in the sense of perceivable, detectable
> is involving
> is everywhere total and totally present Discoveries occur on / ARE the
> figure/ground boundary between knowledge and ignorance
> Interval: NIL - Robert Adams
> Learned Ignorance - Nicholas of Cusa
> Subliminal: Freud, Bill Key, Henry James, Dixon, Poe, Quanta (Physics)
> Lusseyran - And There Was Light
> Aquinas on Common Sense
> [handwritten insert?
> Coleridge *Biog Litt. XII*
> *O.R, (Operations Research).*

Thanks Andrew Chrystall !